Health Program Implementation and Operations
Our team has a track record of providing comprehensive support—financial, administrative, and programmatic—to Federal agencies and State and local grantees on health program implementation and operations. We are able to apply our strategic planning expertise and experience with supporting the operational aspects of managing government health programs to deliver benefit to our clients. We also have unique experience with providing support across the entire grants management life cycle.
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Strategic Planning
- Innovative planning methods
- Input gathering
- Advanced analytics
- Developing strategic frameworks
- Forecasting and planning
- Translating strategy to action
- Monitoring and adapting strategic plans
Program Implementation
- Project management
- Program design
- Communicating with stakeholders
- Website content and web-based tools
- Federal IT system requirements
- OMB and PRA procedures
Grants Management
- Technical expert panels
- Federal agencies
- State and local grantees
- Entire life cycle (financial, administrative, and programmatic)